Starting a divine assignment is a deep and transformative journey that needs careful planning and unwavering dedication. Whether you have a vision, a calling, or a purpose that feels bigger than yourself, the first steps you take can really shape where your assignment goes.

I've met many believers with visions given by God. But more often than not, these visions don't come to life—they stay as great ideas. At some point, you have to transition from the safety of just having an idea and go through the process of bringing the idea to fruition. There are many reasons why believers never fulfill their purpose, so I’ve taken a moment to create a list of 6 tips to help get things moving for you.
Every move you make, from figuring out the details of your vision to sharing it with others, is crucial for setting the foundation. This foundation ensures your journey is not just meaningful but also full of purpose. There is beauty and peace found in fulfilling the assignment you were created to fulfill, and no one can fulfill it quite like you.

So, if you’re one of those who have said that you’re waiting on another sign from God, before you begin to do what you know He’s already told you to do, the fact that you stumbled across this blog post is not a coincidence. As Bill Engvall would say, “Here’s your sign”.
Tip 1: Define the vision in detail.
Having an idea in your head is just the beginning; it's crucial to write down every detail of that idea. Although it might seem like a small step, putting your vision into writing serves as a record of the specifics that you could otherwise overlook. The human mind can be unreliable; we might forget things we believed we would remember.
Additionally, our motivation can fluctuate – some days we're filled with energy, while other days may lack that same enthusiasm. Documenting the details of your vision provides a reference point for those less inspiring days, serving as a reminder of your "why." When it feels like God is silent during your efforts or you forget His words about you and your purpose, having your vision written in detail can bring comfort. It becomes a tangible connection to your purpose, reassuring you during moments of uncertainty.
Tip 2: Seek clarity through prayer.
Anything you undertake or pursue for God should have a foundation of prayer. Rather than approaching your vision haphazardly, stay in constant communication and submission to Christ through prayer. This ensures that Christ is an integral part of both the vision and its implementation. Continuing to pray over your vision will provide increased clarity in areas that may have once seemed unclear. This newfound clarity might lead you to discover more efficient ways to carry out your vision, prompting potential adjustments to your methods.
Reflecting on my journey into blogging, I initially had only two certainties: 1. Writing is something I love and a gift dedicated to Christ. 2. I sensed the Lord leading me to create a blog. In the early stages of blogging, my topics were scattered, and I even unpublished several posts over time. Yet, as I persisted in prayer and sought greater clarity, I have made changes, gained insight, and received direction.
Attempting to fulfill a vision from God without a foundation of prayer is akin to embarking on a road trip with only half a tank of gas. The vehicle may start, and you might make some progress, but reaching your desired destination becomes improbable without a full tank; prayer is driving with a full tank.
Tip 3: Choose your confidantes wisely.
A popular social media quote suggests that if someone doesn't understand God's call on your life, don't worry—it wasn't a conference call. Losing passion for your vision can happen swiftly if you share it with the wrong person. Despite our desire for support from family, friends, and acquaintances, those closest to us often become the first to dampen our enthusiasm. They may bombard us with questions and concerns, for which we may not have all the answers because God hasn't provided all the details. Your inability to address these questions might leave you feeling inadequate, especially as you observe their skeptical expressions.
To avoid potential discouragement, consider sharing your vision with only a select few—individuals you trust to pray with you as you pursue your assignment.
Tip 4: Confront fears and doubts.
Nelson Mandela once said, "It always seems impossible until it's done." Fear, doubt, frustration, and second-guessing yourself or your assignment will inevitably surface during the process. It would be surprising to find a successful person who claims never to have experienced these challenges. Why? Because these feelings are typical when you're in the process of building something.
If there were no fear or doubt, courage wouldn't be necessary. Utilize courage to confront your fears and doubts because, without it, these negative feelings may lead you to give up, convincing you with untrue stories about your success, skills, abilities, ideas, resources, and everything else associated with pursuing your assignment.
Tip 5: Avoid Comparison.
In the era of social media, comparing your ideas, vision, or progress to someone else's can be frustrating. Such comparisons can make you feel like you're falling behind because you're measuring yourself against someone else's achievements rather than focusing on your own journey. Even if you're right on track with your assignment, you might feel inadequate compared to others who seem further along. Your idea might not be as grand as someone else's but don’t doubt your own process. Doubts can lead to giving up on your assignment or imitating others, resulting in a lack of innovation, originality, and authenticity.
Remember, the blueprint for your assignment is tailor-made for your talents, abilities, spiritual gifts, and more.
Tip 6: Move forward promptly.
The more time you spend doing nothing, the less likely your ideas will move forward. Take a step every day to advance your vision, especially during periods of momentum. Procrastination, hesitation, and prolonged delays can halt or completely stop your progress. Work diligently and avoid letting laziness and inactivity take over. Keep in mind, that we only have a limited time here, so it's essential to make every moment count.
Remember that every step you take, no matter how tiny, will get you closer to your goal as you embrace your assignment. With courage, embrace the unknown, allowing the uniqueness of your journey to come to life. In times of doubt, take comfort in knowing that your assignment is suited to you, taking into account your strengths and abilities. Challenges are stepping stones, not roadblocks, leading you closer to your God-given purpose. Maintain your unwavering optimism and keep going because you will find your destiny fulfilled as you pursue your assignment.